Hi! We’re Magic Soup.
We’re a group of developers who love creating games that bring people together and help them forge new friendships. We’re building a game company dedicated to that goal. Our aspiration is to cook up games that are good for your soul and make you feel great – just like a warm bowl of soup. In other words, we’re making games we’d all like to play.
Much like crafting a delicious soup, making a great game isn’t as simple as following a step-by-step recipe. You prepare a solid base. You add ingredients. You taste. Sprinkle in spices. And taste again. Add more. Taste again. It takes a long time and a lot of work to make the best soup. To cook up a great game? Now, that is magic!
Soup’s on!

Join Us
Here’s how we run this magic kitchen of ours:
We cook for the player
- Place a premium on player experience
- Respect the player community as our partner
- Show relentless continual improvement
We see beauty and excellence in differences
- Hire talented diverse and progressive thinkers
- Listen deeply with empathy
- Make it safe to be brave and vulnerable
We aspire to improve the world around us
- Be mindful in a stormy world
- Actively serve the outside community
- Make creative choices that improve our world
We amplify each other’s magic
- Support each other’s recipe for success
- Provide and invite positive and constructive feedback
- Make our teamwork co-op, not PVP
We are gritty, hungry, and humble
- Embrace constraints
- Be insatiably curious and learn from mistakes
- Stay committed through finish and beyond

the player
excellence in
improve the
world around us
each other’s
and humble
Great teams we’ve been a part of:

Blizzard – Origin Systems – World of Warcraft – Disney – Amazon Games – Sony Online Entertainment – Metaplace – Simutronics – Star Wars Galaxies – EverQuest – Vicarious Visions – LucasArts – Tony Hawk – Skylanders – League of Legends – Riot Games – Disruptor Beam – Star Trek Timelines –
Blizzard – Origin Systems – World of Warcraft – Disney – Amazon Games – Sony Online Entertainment – Metaplace – Simutronics – Star Wars Galaxies – EverQuest – Vicarious Visions – LucasArts – Tony Hawk – Skylanders – League of Legends – Riot Games – Disruptor Beam – Star Trek Timelines –

We like our kitchen filled with great chefs, and that could be you!
We’re hiring a small, experienced startup team to work from anywhere. Location is no match for passion and skill.

Contact us
Click here to download our press kit, including bios, visual assets, and our launch announcement.